Author Guidelines


The Editorial Board of the Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistic Research invites submissions of original articles that have not been published elsewhere, on the following topics:

  1. Indonesian and English Language Learning: Research related to teaching methods, curriculum development, and the use of technology in learning.
  2. Literature Education: Studies on literature teaching strategies, pedagogical analysis, and the contribution of literature to the development of critical thinking skills.
  3. Linguistic Research: Studies on theoretical and applied linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and their applications in teaching and other fields.

Each submitted manuscript will undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin software. If any indications of plagiarism are found, the editor or reviewers will contact the author to revise the text or add relevant citations. Articles will not be processed further for review and publication if the Turnitin report indicates a similarity index exceeding 25%.

For further inquiries, please contact the Editorial Assistant via the provided email address.

Author Guidelines:

Authors wishing to submit articles to the Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistic Research are required to adhere to the established submission guidelines. Articles that do not comply with these guidelines will be automatically rejected. Manuscripts must be submitted through the online system after authors register, create an account, and log in. The journal only accepts articles in English, with consistent British or American spelling, and non-English words should be italicized. Non-native authors are strongly encouraged to use professional editing services.

Article Structure in General

Articles should be 7,000–9,000 words in length, including the abstract, tables, figures, and references, with an abstract of 250–300 words and 3–5 relevant keywords. Articles should be written on A4 paper with margins: top 3 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, and left 3.5 cm. The title of the article should reflect the main idea of the writing with a maximum length of 15 words. Adhering to these guidelines will facilitate the review and publication process of your article.


The title of the article should reflect the main idea or concept of the writing with a maximum length of 15 words.

Author Details:

Each manuscript must include the full name of the author along with their institutional affiliation, while the email address is only required for the corresponding author. The Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistic Research stipulates that authorship is based on four main criteria: significant contribution to the ideas, methods, or analysis of the research; preparation or revision of the manuscript with substantial intellectual content; final approval of the version of the manuscript to be published; and full responsibility for all aspects of the article, including ensuring the integrity and resolution of questions related to the accuracy of the work.

Authors who do not meet all four established authorship criteria may only be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section, not as authors. This includes individuals who contributed to funding acquisition, general supervision of the research team, administrative support, or technical assistance such as writing, language editing, and proofreading. To avoid errors in author attribution, the Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistic Research limits the number of authors to a maximum of six for a single article. The contributions of each author must be explained in a cover letter, which must be uploaded as an additional file through the OJS system during the article submission process. All co-authors must also be added to the metadata at the third stage of submission; otherwise, their names will not appear in the published article. A template for the cover letter can be downloaded via the provided link.

Publication Frequency Policy for Authors

To maintain diversity of perspectives in each issue, authors who have published an article in one issue are required to wait for the next issue before submitting a new article. This